Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have discovered that a dangerous molecule is currently attacking your nerves as you watch this video. This molecule, now called the pain molecule, is the real cause of neuropathy pain, and a simple yellow vitamin that you may already have at home could be the key to combating this molecule and providing immediate and long-lasting relief from nerve pain, burning, sore throats or stinging in your legs, feet, hands or arms. You’ll be surprised when you find out what it is. Many people don’t know this, but the real reason behind intense nerve pain has less to do with nerve pain or nerve pain than we initially thought.
Nearly 90% of adults age 60 and older have nerve degeneration or nerve pain, yet they experience no symptoms of pain. Here’s the problem. No matter what medications or therapies you take, you’re usually only treating the symptoms, not the actual cause of the pain, proving that all along, suffering from neuropathy was never your fault.
I discovered this almost by accident when I got a call from my dad saying that my mom could noisily get out of bed and would need surgery for dangerous herniated discs, which could leave her wheelchair-bound for life. Experts around the world are now blaming a common but widespread vitamin deficiency for the growing epidemic of nerve pain. You’ve probably never heard of this well-known vitamin deficiency before, but since early 2024, it’s been spreading like wildfire among adults over 50.
If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of nerve damage, such as severe burning, sore throat or stomach pain in the legs, feet, hands or arms. If you say yes to any of these symptoms, you may be a victim of this disability. And that is why traditional treatments do not work and, in fact, make the symptoms worse over time.
It’s like trying to fuel a rocket ship. Listen, eventually it’s going to get harder and harder to sit in the car for long periods, walk your dog, or even go to the bathroom alone. That’s when your family starts to wonder if you can take care of yourself.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this means you could be stuck with nerve pain forever. And it could get a lot worse. If the damage becomes severe, you could even lose your ability to feel or move freely.
Eventually, this deficiency rebounds, eroding your nerves, degenerating your muscles, destroying your brain, and even wiping out your memories. This deficiency has been linked to dementia, cerebral palsy, heart disease, and other life-threatening conditions. That’s why there’s a failure rate of over 70% for all neuropathy pain treatments, including dangerous procedures.
Unfortunately, this little-known yellow vitamin can immediately fill this deficiency, deactivate the pain molecule and instantly relieve the discomfort associated with nerve pain. In fact, 65-year-old patients who were completely dependent on pain killers, expensive therapies and chiropractic visits for years are now walking and moving better than ever, without any discomfort. This new solution is the only one that addresses the root cause of the problem, leading to permanent elimination of nerve pain.
It works fast and is 100% natural and safe. Last month I spent over $800 on mortars and doctors, and it was all for nothing. Since I started using this, my leg pain and leg disability have disappeared, and I no longer feel uncomfortable when I stand up.
It’s truly unlike anything I’ve ever tried, and I highly recommend it. For years, I suffered from nerve pain that caused excruciating pain in my neck and legs. Three weeks ago, the doctors put me in a chair, and the only thing that worked for me was morphine.
I almost paid $34,000 for a dangerous surgery that could have left me paralyzed, but then, by chance, I watched this video. All I have to say is that this vitamin literally saved my life. I have had excruciating leg pain every day since 2016.
I was afraid to get out of bed, move or lift anything. Then a friend sent me this video and told me to try this new thing. Last week was my first day without leg pain in eight years.
Now, I can finally go on my trips, play with my kids, and I’m no longer afraid of pain. It’s gone. And in this short, 100% free video, I’ll share more stories like this, along with studies and detailed information about the effects of this vitamin for people over 50 who suffer from neuropathy.
I’ll also tell you about the results my mom had after trying it. If you haven’t heard about this leg pain-eliminating disaster, it’s not your fault. The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know.
The simplicity of this solution will surprise you and maybe even make you feel embarrassed. I didn’t believe it myself until I saw it with my own eyes. That’s why I suggest you pay attention and watch this free video until the end, because it can be taken down at any time, and this crucial information will not be available anywhere.
The billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry is furious about this, and I’m already facing legal threats to keep this discovery quiet. But the main reason to watch until the end is that what I’m about to reveal could completely transform your life. In the next two minutes, I’m going to show you how anyone, at any age, can combat and permanently eliminate the root cause of leg pain with an 100% natural solution that’s easy to use and cheaper than your daily cup of coffee.
This can be done at home and starts working almost immediately. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been suffering from neuropathy for 7 days or 7 years, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried other solutions like pain relievers, nerve stimulation therapies, weird exercises or acupuncture, this will work for everyone. This is the only proven methodology that lets you say goodbye to pain forever, and it works especially well if you’re over 54.
As it is natural, it also increases your energy, improves your vitality and enriches your overall health. Over 48,000 people of all ages are already taking this vitamin and can finally live their lives on their feet again. Now you are about to find out why this is the number one vitamin for those suffering from leg pain and how it can help you too.
But before we dive in, let me introduce myself and explain how I discovered this powerful new method for relieving neuropathy pain. My name is Richard, I am 44 years old, and I live with my wife and our 3 children in Chicago, Illinois. I am a researcher and cell biologist in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the University of Chicago, where I have worked for over 15 years.
During this time, I had the unique opportunity to travel to Sweden and collaborate with some brilliant researchers at the Karolinska Institute, one of the world’s leading centers for advanced natural health research. During this time, I observed some of the most successful researchers and physicians in the field, witnessing their scientific breakthroughs and new discoveries. But of course, none of these discoveries compare to what I’m about to reveal to you today.
You see, I only found out about this after I got a call from my dad one day to talk about my mom’s situation. In a sad voice, he confessed to me a situation that I didn’t know was happening. My son, your mom is having unexpected nerve pain, and the doctors said she might need surgery.
My mother, Susan, was always a strong and independent woman, the same one who took care of everyone, including my father. Imagining her in that situation was something I could never imagine. After years of devoting herself to her family, she was finally ready to enjoy life to the fullest and have a peaceful senior citizen.
She had dreamed of traveling with my father, exploring new places and spending more time with her children, but suddenly she started having terrible symptoms, intense nerve pain like thick lumps radiating throughout her body, causing burning, headaches and disability. She became extremely tired and fatigued, unable to carry out her daily activities, and even walking or sitting became difficult, as the pain worsened after any movement. That’s when, during a visit to the doctor, we received devastating news.
A diagnosis of severe neuropathy was causing my mother debilitating pain. It was a huge surprise to the family. We never expected news like this.
We decided to explore other options because we didn’t want to put her at risk for a painful and dangerous surgery. From that day on, the doctor prescribed several painkillers and recommended some physical therapy sessions. At first we thought medication and therapy would help, but things only got worse.
Over the next four years, the pain intensified, never stabilizing. She often experienced headaches and nerve impairment, and the pain above never went away. In fact, it only increased.
That’s when his old doctor increased his medication dosage and started giving him corticosteroid injections. He also recommended other treatments like acupuncture, surgical care, and CBD. He accepted the doctor’s decision willingly, but unfortunately, none of it helped.
Furthermore, as time went on, her mobility decreased and her nerves became more sensitive and vulnerable to other complications. But the worst happened about two years ago, when she had a pain crisis so severe that she couldn’t get out of bed for days. In addition to the excruciating pain, she trembled when she tried to stand up and no longer had the strength to stand on her feet.
Unfortunately, surgery was the only option left. The problem is that the surgery, called nerve decompression, not only costs $35,000, but also involves an invasive procedure to manipulate the affected nerves. There is a significant risk of damage to the surrounding tissues and, more critically, the nerves themselves, which can result in persistent pain, burning, hunger, disability, or even total loss of mobility.
Yes, my beloved mother could have been permanently confined to a mattress, never to walk again because of this cursed pain. At that point, I had three options. The first option was to let my mother continue to suffer in bed, taking prescribed medications that do not cure the condition and only make the problem worse.
The second option was to send my mother for surgery, with no guarantee of success, risking leaving her on a mattress for the rest of her life. Or I could choose the third option, fight for her and look for another solution that could eliminate this problem from her life once and for all, without causing any more harm or suffering. It was clear that the third option was my only choice, and from that day on, I knew that this was my new mission in life.
So that day, I vowed that I would not rest until I found a solution for my mother’s neuropathy pain. My priority was to learn everything I could about nerve pain. I spent hours every day immersing myself in research, and sometimes sleeping at night with my computer next to me.
Over the next two weeks, I pored over medical studies and journals, both at libraries and online. What was troubling me about my research was that neuropathy pain was becoming an increasingly common problem, affecting millions of people worldwide. In the U.S. alone, millions suffer from this debilitating condition, and many end up resorting to dangerous surgeries that don’t always solve the problem.
Nerve pain is also a huge source of profit for big pharma. Many big pharma companies have been busted by doctors who sold expensive treatments that only mask symptoms to people who sometimes don’t even need them. The CEOs of these companies make billions while patients continue to suffer.
Another thing I discovered in my research was that doctors get so worried that they quickly prescribe palliative treatments and move on without addressing the root cause of the neuropathy, which only makes the real problem worse over time. I researched desperately. I called several doctors, asked universities, asked experts, and researched studies online.
But the advice I received was no different from what my mother’s doctor always said. Take medicine, do physical therapy. But it was this same advice that almost led to my mother needing dangerous surgery.
I had reached the point of exhaustion, researching from afternoon to night and waking up early, day after day. Then, while I was talking to my friend Kevin from my days at the Karolinska Institute about my mother’s problem and my research, he said that perhaps Dr. Sven could help. Dr. Sven Johansson is a professor of medicine known for his fundamental research in treating neuropathy pain.
According to Kevin, he had developed a new method that could stop nerve pain using a natural approach. No drugs, no surgery, no palliative procedures. This is amazing, I thought.
This is exactly what my mother needs. But Dr. Sven is very busy and reclusive. I don’t know if you will be able to meet with him.
I didn’t hesitate. I decided to contact the Institute and try to talk to him. I shared my entire journey.
And a few days later, I got a call from his assistant. Dr. Sven is interested in your case and if you want to see him, he can make time for you later this week. I got on the nearest available plane and drove the 9 hours to Stockholm, not knowing what to expect.
Dr. Sven was an intelligent and straightforward man. I learned that he had received several prestigious awards, including the Lasker Award, and was even seeking a Nobel Prize for his research. His story was inspiring.
He nearly ended his career as a professor and researcher due to severe neuropathy pain. So he made it his life’s mission to find a way to reverse nerve pain without enduring traditional treatments that don’t solve the problem and only cause more damage. As soon as I arrived at his office, Dr. Sven began to show me his research and the great discovery he had made.
Look, all this time, we’ve been blaming the wrong problem. Nerve degeneration, nerve damage, injury, and even poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle are not the real causes of neuropathy pain. The proof is that over 80% of the population has some form of nerve damage and feels no pain.
The real cause of neuropathy has nothing to do with arthritis or nerve jamming, as previously believed. The real cause is a molecule hidden in your body. We call it the pain molecule.
These molecules, known in medicine as pro-inflammatory cytokines, play a crucial role in regulating the immune system and inflammation in your body. They are like little messages that tell your immune system when and where to respond to a threat, such as an infection or injury. Under normal conditions, cytokines are essential for the functioning of the immune system, helping to regulate the body’s inflammatory responses.
They are released in small amounts in response to infection, injury, or other stimuli, and play a vital role in healing and protecting tissues. However, when the body faces persistent or chronic inflammation, the production of these molecules can spiral out of control. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including chronic stress, repetitive injury, autoimmune disease, or even nutritional deficiencies.
In these cases, the body begins to release inflammatory cytokines in large quantities, resulting in an excess of these molecules in the system. This excess of cytokines, which should be temporary and controlled, becomes dangerous, because everything in the body must be in perfect balance to be healthy. Instead of helping recovery, these excess cytokines become toxic to the body and begin to damage healthy tissues.
In the case of nerve pain, these toxins attack the protective tissue around the nerves, the tissues responsible for insulating and protecting the nerve fibers. This protective layer is crucial for transmitting signals, reducing interference, and ensuring nerve function. When this protective layer is degraded by the attack of these toxic molecules, the nerves become exposed and vulnerable.
This degeneration of the protective tissue caused by the excess of these molecules leads to a series of problems. As you have seen, the protective tissues of the nerves are crucial for the conduction of nerve impulses. When inflammation damages this level, the nerves begin to send pain signals erratically and constantly, even without adequate stimulation.
The nerves start to function erratically, sending pain signals to the brain even when there is no direct injury, because they are exposed, like an open wound. This is why the pain of neuropathy becomes so intense and difficult to ignore. It is the direct result of this massive attack by the pain molecule on the protective belt of the nerves.
We can compare nerves to the wires in an electrical system. Just as these wires need an insulating layer to transmit energy efficiently, our nerves need their own protective layer to conduct signals correctly. Without this protective layer, nerve signals become confused, weak, or even completely blocked, causing symptoms such as tingling, burning sensations, and constant pain.
When the nerve’s protective layer is intact, signals flow smoothly without interruption. However, if this protective layer is damaged by pro-inflammatory cytokines, the nerves are left exposed, like an uninsulated wire. This results in the nerves signaling incorrectly, sending uncontrollable pain messages to the brain, even when there is no actual stimulus.
This is why neuropathy pain is so intense and difficult to ignore. And when it persists for weeks, months or even years, it causes even more significant damage, leaving you with pain radiating through your nerves, numbness, stiffness and weakness. In more severe cases, it can cause nerve degeneration, leaving you with a loss of mobility and potentially becoming wheelchair-bound.
So if you wake up feeling that awful feeling of tightness, tingling, and loss of mobility, if you avoid activities because of intense pain, and if you can’t get out of bed, there’s a good chance that your nerves are already damaged by too much of this pain molecule. That’s why pain relief tools, muscle relaxers, steroid injections, nerve stimulators, surgical care, training, exercise, yoga, and even these invasive surgeries don’t solve the problem. They don’t address the root cause and, in fact, end up making the problem worse in the long run.
Muscle relaxants and pain relievers only temporarily mask the pain without addressing the toxic inflammation that continues to damage the nerve. Steroid injections, while offering temporary relaxation, age the tissues around the nerve and, with repeated use, increase the risk of infection and other serious effects. And the so-called nerve stimulators exacerbate the problem by overstimulating an already inflamed and damaged area, making the pain worse over time.
The good news is that once we identify the true cause of the pain, we can focus our efforts on finding a way to stop the progression of this molecule, eliminate the inflammation and restore nerve health, providing immediate and long-lasting pain relief. My research has revealed that the future of neuropathy treatments lies in neutralizing these molecules and restoring nerve health. When you achieve this, you can finally experience pain relief and regain your quality of life.
That’s why I spent many nights researching until I found something really promising. The answer came from China, in the form of a rare vitamin known as palmitoylethanolamide. It’s a yellow substance naturally produced by the body, belonging to the class of glycine acid amides.
It plays an important role in regulating inflammation and pain through receptors that modulate the inflammatory response and pain perception. After discovering it, we ran thousands of exhaustive tests and, through a meticulous purification and optimization process, made it 14 times more effective and potent, and called it PrimePalm. After being rigorously tested in 14 two-eye placebo-controlled clinical studies, the gold standard of clinical testing, we found that PrimePalm intake demonstrated the ability to stop pain molecule multiplication immediately, promoting the reduction of inflammation and nerve restoration.
Taking PrimePalm is like sending a crack team of police officers directly to the scene of a fire, dousing the flames of inflammatory proteins that are destroying nerve cells. One particularly exciting study, called the Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial for Neuropathy Pain, conducted by the University of Oxford, involved 636 participants divided into three groups. One group received a placebo, another received 300 milligrams of the vitamin, and the third received 600 milligrams of the vitamin.
In just 3 weeks, those taking any dosage of PrimePalm reported significantly greater pain than the placebo, with those receiving the highest dosage experiencing the best results. And here’s where things get really exciting. I was part of the study and tried PrimePalm for my own nerve pain for a period of six months.
I was surprised to find that not only was my distress rapidly reduced on the first day, but more importantly, my distress and distrust levels decreased month after month and continued to steadily decrease throughout the entire six-month study. In other words, the results continued to improve as I continued treatment. These results have been replicated in other published clinical studies, where daily supplementation with PrimePalm resulted in not only dramatic improvements in neuropathy and nerve inflammation, but also in physical function, muscle strength, and overall quality of life.
Richard, I have no doubt that this vitamin is the key to stopping your mother’s pain and improving her condition. Supplement her with this vitamin and you will see her completely free of this problem, never having to consider surgery again. I am grateful to Dr. Sven and what happened in the following days was truly unbelievable.
My mother started using this natural supplement and in just a few days a remarkable transformation began to happen. The pain that had been constant and debilitating began to subside within the first day. My mother, who spent years struggling with neuropathy and feeling increasingly neglected, found real relief for the first time.
Each week, she reported improvements. The intense pain and electric shocks subsided, and most importantly, the numbness and weakness in her legs began to disappear. Her mobility, which had been severely compromised, gradually returned.
She was able to do simple activities that were impossible for her before, like taking a walk in the park with my father, cooking her favorite meals, and even walking again. Seeing my mother regain her quality of life was an emotionally intense experience. The joy of seeing her free from pain, the gratitude for finding a solution, and the realization that all my efforts and research would pay off were overwhelming feelings.
News of PrimePalm’s success quickly spread among friends and family who also suffered from nerve pain. What began as a desperate quest to help my mother soon turned into a mission to share this discovery with as many people as possible. Since then, I have dedicated my time to helping others find salvation from nerve pain.
I collaborated with Dr. Sven to work on a product that could be available to everyone. And today, I am very proud to introduce you to Aerialeaf. This advanced science-based solution is the first and only one that finally addresses the true cause of neuropathy pain, the pain molecule that damages the nerves, leaving them exposed and causing debilitating pain.
By stopping the overproduction of this molecule, you can end inflammation and regenerate damaged nerves, eliminating pain, so you can enjoy a new life, without pain, without limitations, without pain killers or nerve stimulators, and with a smile on your face again. But that’s not all. When creating Aerialeaf, we wanted the best, so we didn’t stop with PrimePalm.
While PrimePalm works to erase pain on its own, we have found that its healing power is significantly enhanced when combined with other, more powerful ingredients. This is where Aerialeaf really shines and life-changing effects can be realized. The rare ingredient is alpha-lipoic acid.
This super antioxidant is one of the most powerful ingredients in the world for calming inflammation. Studies have shown that it can dramatically reduce inflammation and joint pain, decrease stiffness and pain, improve physical function, and significantly reduce the need for pain medications. And it does it quickly.
This makes alpha-lipoic acid the perfect complement to PrimePalm. The reason they work so well together was explained in a major study published in the journal Medium Nutrients. In the study, scientists found that the powerful antioxidants in alpha-lipoic acid are delivered directly to the myelin, helping to combat inflammatory cytokines even faster, meaning you can expect better pain relief sooner.
And remember, this combination of PrimePalm and alpha-lipoic acid is completely unique. In other words, it can only be found in alpha-lipo, which is why alpha-lipo has produced such wonderful results for our clients. Nothing like it has ever been done before.
To round out the formula and help ensure the strongest and fastest results possible, we’ve also included 5 more powerful ingredients. First, we’ve added magnesium glycinate. In addition to being essential for proper muscle and nerve function, magnesium can help reduce muscle cramps and tension that can contribute to nerve pain.
The good news is that it’s also crucial for energy production, blood sugar control, and the synthesis of proteins and DNA. Next up, we include Ruscus aculiatus, also known as pineapple fruit extract. This powerful ingredient improves circulation and reduces inflammation, relieving the pain and suffering associated with nerve pain.
Its anti-inflammatory properties are also beneficial for conditions such as varicose veins and other circulatory problems, contributing to a general sense of well-being. For rapid cell turnover and reduction of muscle pain, we chose L-carnitine. In addition to its known role in converting fat into energy, L-carnitine helps improve physical recovery and reduce fatigue, giving you more energy throughout the day.
But we didn’t stop there. After further research, we discovered that adding a specific type of pineapple led to a surprisingly rapid reduction in inflammation—not just pineapple, but a pineapple rhizome extract that is 95% curcuminoids. This extract is a potent anti-inflammatory that enhances the reduction of inflammation around the nerves, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
Finally, we added Coenzyme Q10, a special vitamin that supports cellular energy production and has antioxidant properties, helping with muscle recovery and pain reduction. As an added bonus, Coenzyme Q10 is also excellent for improving heart health and reducing signs of aging, contributing to more energy and vitality. As a result, this unique and powerful combination of ingredients provides everything you need for rapid relaxation, nerve pain relief, improved health and well-being in a 100% natural and healthy way.
Say goodbye to pain medications and finally enjoy smooth, comfortable movement with the renewed flexibility of your youth. Now imagine how good it would feel to jump out of bed every morning and move freely, without that burning, dark, or stinging sensation in your feet and hands, because your nerves are no longer blocked and burned, but rather properly restored and protected. Imagine being able to jump off the floor with the flexibility and agility of your feet and legs of a 20-year-old, being able to sit comfortably crisscrossed on the floor with your kids while they play board games or sit on the floor getting used to the roses, without the fear of being stuck there, frozen in pain.
More than that, Aeroleaf will finally allow you to achieve a level of comfort and benefit in all areas of your life. First, with your friends and loved ones, because you will no longer be in agony or seen as old and weak. Second, with yourself, because you will finally regain your confidence, freedom and independence and live life on your own terms, as many of our satisfied customers are doing now.
In fact, when we first made Aeroleaf available for sale, we were confident it would change lives and we were not disappointed. Since I started taking Aeroleaf, I can walk up and down stairs normally. I noticed the pain started to subside within the first day.
It’s not as frequent or as intense. I love to dance, I love to move and feel good, and I’m feeling more like that now, so I’m happy to think the pain will never come back again. For years, I struggled with debilitating sciatica pain that affected every aspect of my life.
Then a friend recommended Aeroleaf, and it was a revelation: after just a few days of using it, the pain above my feet began to subside. Not only did it relieve my pain, but it also improved my mobility and allowed me to get back to my favorite activities, like hunting and playing with my kids. Aeroleaf truly transformed my life, providing relief when nothing else worked.
I can’t recommend it enough to anyone suffering from sciatica. I can do my housework now, lift things up, get down and back up. I’m 73 years old, so you know, I was thinking, oh, it’s going to get harder to do activities, but now I’m enjoying it, I’m getting better every day, and I can tell the difference because I don’t have any pain in my feet or legs anymore.
Additionally, my flexibility and energy to complete tasks have improved much faster. Aeroleaf is the only formula that combines these powerful ingredients in the ideal dosage for you. The first thing you will notice on the first day of using Aeroleaf is the reduction in nerve and body pain.
Many people report that even if they continue their daily routines, without any effort, just using the Aeroleaf formula, their pain begins to calm down within the first few hours. This happens because the formula is 100% natural and is absorbed by the body in about 15 to 30 minutes, starting to work at the root of the problem. It stops the production of the pain molecule and eliminates it, one by one.
As this cleansing process takes place, your body will begin to reap the benefits. You will notice that those intense, nagging pains will not happen as often. You will also find that the heat and darkness in your nerves will gradually subside.
In addition, that morning heaviness, the pain when walking or the discomfort when moving or standing for long periods will also begin to disappear. And the best part is that you won’t have to take multiple medications, restrict your activities or limit your movements. All of this will happen naturally from day one.
As the days go by, you will also notice that your mobility is improving more and more and those moments of intense pain that paralyzed you no longer bother you. By the time you complete the first few months of use, it is likely that when you visit your doctor, you will hear the news that you are free of nerve pain and discomfort. At least that is what has happened to most people who have started using Aeroleaf.
And the best part is that you won’t have to change anything in your routine. In fact, your only task will be to take two capsules a day when you wake up and let the formula do all the work for you. As it is 100% natural, unlike traditional medications, Aeroleaf has no contraindications and is recommended for everyone, without exception.
Whether male or female, people in their 30s or their 90s, those who have been in pain for years or those who have only been in pain for a few months, everyone can benefit. That’s why we’ve made this formula using 100% natural ingredients. That way, it doesn’t matter if someone has
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